Friday, March 07, 2003

A mouse with cheese is a happy mouse.

Wednesday, March 05, 2003

Wednesday morning. 6:22. Early. Rain yesterday, which was very nice. No rain today. Too bad. Never enough rain.

Another day. Yup. Wake up the mice, get Flynn ready to go to school, get him to school. Amuse Cassidy until it's time to go to preschool. Take her to preschool. Wait for Flynn to get out of school. Then wait for Cassidy to get out of preschool.

Flynn and I have Cub Scouts tonight. I need to find the pocketknives and the gourds for birdhouses. Go over Flynn's Bear book and see what he can complete. Keep checking things off.

Sunday, March 02, 2003

Sunday evening. Sunny today, a little on the cool side.

Flynn had spent the night at his friend Nikolas' house. Diane and I slept in very late. Puttered in the garage, tried to clean things up, removed some of the ancient, crumbling insulation from the ceiling of the '65. Miserable work. You just know that fine, black foam-dust is carcinogenic. Yuck. Scraped off virtually all of it. A real mess. Have a bit more to do.

Eventually cleaned off the top of the workbench, which was some progress. I hadn't seen the top of it since December, I think. Now it's March.

Still very sad to think that Frizzy is dead. That will stay with me for a while. Colors everything.

Flynn's first Little League game was yesterday. Had the banner done, along with Rene Shepard's team banner. She gave us a check which was for more than the cost of materials. But no where near what we'd charge if we actually billed our time. So that was a funny situation.

Let's see if I can Post&Publish this. I can't bring up the web page. Not impressive.