I'd forgotten all about Blogspot. Or blogging in general. Kind of interesting to look back and read my take on a given period of time years after the fact.
Flynn is out buying some new clothes. He has a dinner to attend tonight and only now noticed that his old clothes no longer fit. No time to wash any new clothes he finds.
Live and learn.
Flynn worked until about 10:30 on Thanksgiving. We waiting for him. Apparently keeping cut potatoes in warm water for hours is a bad idea, they turned to rubber and refused to soften.
Made more masked potatoes (singular) last night, started them in cool water, they cooked just fine, they mashed perfectly.
Thanksgiving dinner always tastes even better the next night.
Placed some shallot, rosemary and onion in the turkey cavity. Really tasty.
Made a cherry pie which turned out (IMHO) very well. The kids refuse to touch it. I think it's delicious. I even attempted a lattice crust, which looks homespun at best. The filling was hot and turned the dough strips to much as I was trying to weave them over and under. Ah well. Still tastes good.
Ordered more flea meds for the cats. Far behind on that.
Should receive lease money on Tuesday. About 3/4 of the lease money goes to expenses and bills, the rest to food and other expenses.
In September there was an additional $1000 of lease money, send Wells Fargo $2K that month. Only $1K last month. Still waiting to see any money from the two guns I left on consignment. Really want to pay down the Wells Fargo card in particular.
Bought CDW a new pair of shoes last Saturday on the way to Randy's opening once she finally admitted that she needed a new pair. I'd been asking for months.
I need to find the book on Macaw and put together a web page for Renee. Unsure how to use the software, really. Seldom do any web work.
Five years and change since my last Blogger post. Time does fly.