Lots of work to do. Heard from Randy this morning, he's planning a trip to Baja next spring. Feel excited for him. I'd love to take another Baja trip.
I've actually felt happy and excited all morning just thinking about it. What an adventure that was. Especially considering I spend my life sitting in this half-cubicle or sitting in traffic driving back and forth from home to work and from work to home. Wahoo.
Feel somewhat domesticated, Diane paid some attention to me last night. I was up on time again this morning, got Flynn out of bed, got him ready to go, et cetera, et cetera. Taking care of my little family unit. I actually didn't feel guilty or reserved at all about enjoying the attention. When you've earned the reward, don't be bashful about picking up your chips.
The local service bureau set up an FTP site at long last, that ought to make life easier.