Sunday, June 06, 1999

Tunnel Hunt. Is this the name of that planet-maze game I used to play at OCC in 1984? Is that when that was?

I had a night class of some kind, would eat in the cafeteria for CHEAP, play that game if I had a quarter left on me... I have a PC game (Gravitron?) based on this arcade game. I wish I could have seen a screen shot from the list of arcade games page I found to know if this is the correct game or not.

Generally searching the web is nothing but frustrating.

Just about noon. 1999. June. Diane and the kids are at her parent's house.

Unsure of how long ago it was I ran out of dope. And that was the second quarter pound of underpowered ditchweed. I actually ran out of dope last 4th of July.

Certainly miss it.

Ought to eat something. Ought to get around to things I need to do today. Before I need to go back to work again tomorrow.

Very little money these days.

Have been making borderline CDs into MP3s anticipating selling the CDs. Need to sell the Soloflex. Never use it.

Gained two pounds last week after losing thirty pounds since the end of March.

Memorial Day was last weekend, it was a big disappointment. Never relaxed, never happy.

At least Diane and the kids are gone today and I have a small clear spot. If only to reflect on exactly how unhappy I am.

I *TRULY* hate San Diego. This place really, REALLY sucks. I genuinely despise San Diego.

Instead of my computer desk, the keyboard is up on the kitchen counter, which is much too high for any kind of work surface. Thanks, Diane. Part of her stupid kitchen project. Ugly cabinets and an ugly counter top. At least this part of the counter used to be lower. Why did I let her use my computer desk? So that she wouldn't put her work computer on the kitchen table again.

Like she had done doing freelance work. Which I hated. When that computer finally went, she got the work computer.

And she wonders why I'm unhappy.

The phone is ringing. I doubt it's anyone I want to talk to.

Nope, sure wasn't.

Time to eat something.



Managed to lose several paragraphs due to a crash. Lovely.

Turned off the table fan, which is squeaking. Very annoying.

Fucking computer crash. Just great.

Finishing the bottles of vodka and Midori I bought on Friday. Sure miss smoking dope. Have one 1/2" tall seedling outside. Bad germination. Not encouraging. Have no place to set up a garden. Maybe in the garage. Or not.

No money. Need to remember debits and determine how little money I have left. Need to deposit the $50 check from Back to Basics Toys. They fucked up as far as customer service on Flynn's toy helicopter. Would prefer NOT to deposit that check at all.

Submitted a $488 form for day care reimbursement Friday.

This is June. I believe I need to pay another chunk on the credit card debt. Had sent them $2,000 last year. $200 earlier this year. I do not have the money in my account at this time. Need to send money to pay for this new computer. The one that just crashed...

Sell CDs, sell the Soloflex (again)... sell that radio I bought last year to record the Dr. D. 1976 songs show. Ends are not meeting. The day care costs are greater than the mortgage costs.

No dope.

Screaming fight with Diane last night. Fuck off, Diane. You have provided me with what I could not provide myself with, children. Now just get lost. Fuck off. Leave the house and the kids. See ya.

Stick around until the kids are both old enough to say "We'd like to be with Dad." The kids LIKE me, which is gratifying beyond words. Last weekend I was encouraging Flynn to play with Diane, and Flynn actually said "I love you more." Hahaha. Nice work, Diane.

Hey, at least she was fertile enough to carry half the time... 2/4 pregnancies resulted in live births...

I remember Mark McCutchen commenting on how calm I was last summer before Cassidy was born... I told him that after two miscarriages, this pregnancy would almost certainly result in a live birth, so I had no reason to worry...

The tiny bug was born last August... now she can *almost* walk... she gets in to LOTS of mischief...

Thinking about going and cleaning the shower... it's disgusting... after I finish this huge drink... as if it would give me a tenth of what a couple of decent bongloads would give me... some kind of space, slack, true relief...

I truly miss smoking dope. I forget when I ran out, but it's been a while... even then, the dope I had was not that great. Two disappointing $500 quarter pounds... wholesale rate...

Stopped growing dope when Diane was pregnant with Flynn...

I was excited and relieved to have a 1/4 pound last November... got home with it, I remember leaving the bathroom wondering "am I high..? I don't *feel* high..." it took a while for it to sink in that this was underpowered dope again. Damn. A real sharp disappointment.

Found some scraps in a bag of seeds last weekend, that was good for about two hits... anything is better than nothing... homegrown was sufficient at one time...

Which is not to say that I was not grateful for the powerful dope I had on hand in 1995 when we moved to this fucking wasteland and Jerry Garcia died.

The kind of dope you could get TOO high on. Uncomfortably high. I like a good stoned high, but not a paralyzing high...

Mature seeded dope is the best...

Used the push mower, put that together, figured out that the grass catcher was meant for a back-throw mower... just mowed the fucking lawn... I don't see any problem with the grass trimmings being left on the lawn... put several handfuls in the flower beds... mulch... high nitrogen... leave it alone...

Diane having had this stupid ugly counter installed so fucking high makes it impossible to comfortably type on... my wrists have been FLAMING after the past several busy weeks at work... another busy week beginning tomorrow...

I could drink until the room spins and it still wouldn't be anything that just a couple of hits of the most humble homegrown would provide...

Had been listening to Bowie's Bewlay Brothers mp3 until the crash... MacAmp is unstable at best... kind of like Windows 3.1 and comm programs...

Ah me...

So he could scream and still relax...

Think I'll close this babble and fire that up again... finish my drink and then go clean the shower...
