It's still cloudy, windy and cold. Most appropriate.
I remember more and more and more things that Frizzy and I did together over the years. Dozens and dozens of things. Sailing, going to LA to see a museum exhibit, meeting for a drink at the Hotel Laguna, walking, going out for coffee, going to Woody's Wharf late at night... I remember many, many things, more and more. What a charming little character she was.
And I remember how we grew apart, things that bugged me about her. Eventually we didn't see one another for some time. She came to San Diego for a "vacation" and Flynn and I met her downtown where she was staying. We went to Ocean Beach and then Balboa Park. We took the ferry to Coronado. Then Diane and I had several people out to dinner at Issay's before Cassidy was born as kind of a goodbye to socializing. That was in 1998. So it's been about four or five years.
Overall my relationship with Frizzy was probably my most mature and successful relationship, but I was more interested in a passionate, involved relationship. Frizzy (and David) were about ten years older than I was. They didn't need to explore and feel, I guess, and must have seen me like a friendly, eager puppy.
Frizzy in the rain, holding an umbrella, my telling her that she looked like a mushroom and her laughter.
I miss her. It's hard to know that she's not here any more.