Life in suburban San Diego, being a full-time dad with two kids and two cats. I cook, I clean, I do laundry, I take them to and from school. And I draw and do graphic design in my spare time.
Sunday, November 14, 2004
I ********knew******* she was going to wash that fucking rag in my new washing machine, I knew it like I know that the sun is going to rise in the east tomorrow, there was no fucking way she was even going to hesitate for a tenth of second to think that some filthy fucking rag did not belong in a NEW, CLEAN washing machine -- it never entered her head, not for an instant, not even once in a thousand years. She leaves that stupid fucking dog with me every day and I feed it and give it water and attention and it never even ONCE occured to her that putting its filthy rag in my brand-new washing machine might be something that anyone with an ounce of brains would object to. She ignores that animal the way she ignored me and the kids for a decade and it never ONCE occured to her that anything was wrong. Jesus H. FUCK.