Friday, December 31, 2004


Spent an hour or two cleaning Cassidy's room. Doing some more laundry. Looks like it's sprinkling out. Still no word from Diane.

Throwing some older toys out. Throwing some toys out that I didn't care for. At least I can see Cassidy's carpet now. I need to put the kid's clothes away. That always gets put off for some reason.

The house is looking cleaner. I'd like to get Thank You cards from the kids in the mail on Monday morning. Find time to address and write those at some point.

Bob's birthday is this coming Wednesday. Send him a card. Send Bob a few gifts from Diane that were overlooked. Also a present for Toni, I believe.

Get back into the routine on Monday. Keep the kids organized and moving forward.

Clean Flynn's room next? Take a stab at that?

One part of the futon order arrived yesterday. So I guess that the rest of the pieces will not be too far behind the first one in arriving.

I'll be glad to see the trash hauled away on Monday. I still need to throw more things away to make it all fit in this house.

Get bills organized and keep on top of them. Organize brochures and manuals that came with various purchases.