When you see a Powerpoint presentation you know it's going to be a long, drawn-out evening. Can I get a fucking executive summary, here, please? I can absorb information pretty quickly. Just give me the facts.
Arrrrgh. Then a long wait to get some Jack-in-the-Box food, then a long drive home following some twit going 20 mph... JESUS! ENOUGH! ENOUGH FOR ONE DAY! GET OUT OF MY WAY! I WANT TO GO HOME!!!
I mean, you couldn't find time to figure out which light switches work the damn lights in the auditorium? Find out beforehand and mark them with tape or something! Rehearse your presentation! Come ON.
Rained a bit today, finally, in the afternoon when we were taking Flynn to his saxophone lesson. Stopped raining by five or so, always very disappointing. When it rains, it ought to rain for several days on end without cessation. Late March, the rainy season is almost over. Damn. MORE RAIN. MORE RAIN. MORE RAIN. Never enough rain. How much would it have to rain for me to get sick of it? Overall this was a pretty good rain year. Apparently it rained more than it has here in the badlands since before WWII. Not nearly enough as far as I'm concerned.
One more day to this week. One more day. Another day. Another fucking day. The future lawn area is probably going to be kind of heavy to work on tomorrow. I can pick up more chicken manure to finish it off, however. And buy some grass seed and some Kellogg product to cover the seed with.
Annoyed and frustrated. I didn't want to go to that meeting and I'd hoped they were going to have their shit together, and of course they didn't.
Long day. Rotten month. Need more rain to make things better. Everything is better when it's raining. And the harder it rains the better things are.
Tomorrow is Friday. Sunday is Easter. Hide Easter eggs for the kids early, early Sunday.
That's about all I have to vent.