Tired. Snoozed through most of the Dodgers game. Fed the mice delicious grilled halibut, mashed potatoes and grilled vegetables. They were more impressed with the chocolate-chocolate-chip cookies I made earlier.
I almost have the sprinklers figured out. One more oscillating sprinkler and that ought to do it. I have two timers to operate spinklers attached to two hose bibs. Test that out over the weekend.
The first little green tips of the new lawn appeared last Saturday. There are still some spotty areas, but it's looking more like a lawn and less like groomed dirt. A good thing.
Cleaned up the back area near the barbecue a bit. Some "Blondie" impatiens arrived today from Burpee, live plants, so I'd like to get those planted this weekend. Amend the soil in the bed under the kitchen windowbox. Lots of clean-up gardening to do, I've been concentrating on the lawn exclusively for a long time.
Tired. Time to sleep again. It's not possible to get up at 4:30 and stay up very late. Can't have both.
Excited and pleased that the lawn is coming in. I like my suburban lawn and I resented the dog(s) peeing on it and otherwise destroying it.
I'm tempted to contact the Salvation Army and have them pick up various things that I'm not using. Definitely another get-rid-of-everything period. I hate feeling cluttered. Get rid of things. Keep what I need, scan things into the computer, but otherwise get rid of things that I don't use. Don't let clutter possess the house. There's a bunch of clutter from Flynn's room in the garage and the stuff from the Rubbermaid storage shed which I took apart.
Warm today. Not looking forward to the endless summer heat. I like the winter and the cool weather and the rain. We had some pretty good rain this season. Not enough, but I enjoyed what rain fell. Never enough rain.
Back to bed. It will be time to get up again soon enough. Cassidy has a field trip tomorrow. It might be a good day to drive to the fish store. Perhaps by some miracle they'll have green neon tetras available. Or not.