Only Wednesday..? Wrapped gifts all day on Monday. Made Santa caps for the stuffed monkeys. Finished that after wrapping more gifts yesterday. Made turkey tacos for dinner last night. Delicious.
Diane was over on Sunday again. Made cinnamon rolls and then ham sandwiches. Made chocolate chip cookie bars. Stayed awake for most of the football games on Sunday. The MNF game I was going to watch in the big bedroom and fell asleep immediately. Apparently it was a real blowout.
Warm yesterday and the day before.
Planning on making a turkey today, the solstice. Have ham leftover from Sunday. Prepare and cool and strip the turkey meat. I bought canned yams to try and prepare those with marshmallows along with dressing and mashed potatoes and rolls and cranberry sauce on Sunday.
Saturday I'm supposed to drive Diane and the kids to her parents house for Christmas Eve. Maybe I'll see what Kelly and Bob are doing, Kelly invited me over there. Somehow kill several hours, then collect the kids and Diane and drive Diane home and then finally go home.
Sunday we stay at home.
Monday drive to Kelly and Bob's house again and exchange gifts. Drive back home again.
So next Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday we have off without interruption. The kids return to school on the 3rd of January 2006. I think.
The Christmas lights are up, we got a Christmas tree and it's nicely decorated, I love the "Shiny-Brite" ornaments I found on eBay... the house is decorated, our few Christmas cards are in the mail... to Toni, Kelly, Diane's parents and the Rosses. I don't send out any Christmas cards, really, I don't know anyone. I do like to save and display Christmas cards from past years. I sewed Santa caps for the stuffed monkeys. That cracks me up.