Yep. Friday.
Kids are at school. Here I sit. Listening to the Howard Stern show replay of the Artie roast last night.
Got a new iMac in the mail this week, installed XP on it last night. XP cost $179. Too expensive for a piece of shit OS. The kids have wanted a PC to play PC games on forever.
What else? Met with Sal Calfiero this week about taxes. Going to put some money in two 529a plans. Paid off the truck. Paid off the Visa card. Keep about $10,000 (three months expenses) on hand in a money market account. Invest about $1000 a month.
Need life insurance in the event I die earlier than I expect. Sal Calfiero mentioned that. Sounds like a good idea.
The attorney finally sent me a draft of a letter to Diane's attorney. Translated into legalese. Hopefully we can keep the house. I'm assuming that I'll keep the kids.
Two two bottom feeders in the small aquarium have been ill, I removed and sacrificed one of them. The other one is looking ragged. The green neons seem healthy.
Waiting for a sketchbook to arrive in order to wrap it with some other gifts for a friend of Cassidy's. Her birthday party is tomorrow.
What now? Some housework or something. Mow the law. Something useful...