Life in suburban San Diego, being a full-time dad with two kids and two cats. I cook, I clean, I do laundry, I take them to and from school. And I draw and do graphic design in my spare time.
Friday, December 29, 2006
It's sad that Bob left, it's sad Diane left, it's sad Mom and Dad are dead. The kids aren't adults yet with spouses and kids of their own. It's a thin patch.
Odd feelings today. And I ought to consider taking down the Christmas decorations, which seems like nothing I want to do.
The buildup to Christmas is always so pleasant, it's like gentle foreplay. Then, suddenly, you're cold, naked and dripping semen. See you next year.
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Home again
I didn't really enjoy myself and I'm thinking that this was the last year I'm going to participate. It's just too fucking far to drive. It's sad that Bob moved out from their house.
I've always found Toni entertaining, but tonight she was just loud. Toni's very loud, perpetual monologue.
It was nice to see Kelly. Brent is GROWN. Carly gets taller and taller. Toni's girls are like miniature Tonis.
The drive home was awful. I just hate driving. I don't especially like this area, but Orange County doesn't really exist anymore. It's all incredibly built up.
Sunday, December 24, 2006
From an e-mail to Kelly
I finally got around to planting three "shrub roses" which I'd had for months. And a collection of bedding plants. And a couple of shrimp plants. And a culphea. And some stray bulbs. So, for me, that was tremendous progress.
I've been buying four bins (a day, sometimes) at Target, those 70-quart/65-liter bins with lids that clamp onto the bin. And putting any and all clutter in them. I'm within three or four more bins of containing ALL our clutter. I'm excited about the idea. I wonder if Target is open tomorrow, Christmas Day..? Certainly they'll be open on Tuesday morning.
I want one more bin for the stock air intake and filter that came with the truck. I had them replaced. I think that Flynn's saxophone and trumpet will both fit in another bin. A third bin can hold all things painting related (except paint).
I already have a bin for hardware and a bin for toys (including two Razor scooters) and a bin for garden items and tools and plant food. Another bin has the power tools in it.
I finally rounded up ALL the aluminum cans. It always seems like a good idea to set them aside, then after nine months or a year you have a MOUNTAIN of aluminum cans, and it seems that whenever I go to try and turn them in the little scruffy guy at the recycling storage container isn't there... probably off frying a muskrat or something.
And one more bin for camping items. Better add that to the list.
This morning I woke up around 2:30 and didn't go back to sleep. Went out to the bagel place and bought a dozen bagels and a large coffee. Split the coffee 80/20 with Flynn.
Diane came by with Gail and Theresa to pick up the kids. Flynn and I washed her car. Not happy with Diane driving the kids anywhere.
I ought to do a partial water change on the big aquarium. I actually thought of making a cheesecake earlier today, I believe I have all the ingredients, but the last few times I've made that recipe it's just unbelievably heavy. Hmm, I have a recipe for a "pumpkin chiffon cheesecake" that I intended to make earlier this fall... I wonder if I can find it?
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Ping pong
I'd originally had two in mind for the kid's stuff, their school papers and all that, just collect it in a plastic bin apiece.
Maybe four more plastic bins will contain everything that's still without a home. I have a wall of plastic bins in my bedroom, now, which contain everything I own that I can fit into a plastic bin. At least things are picked up for a change.
Need to attend to the aquarium today or tomorrow. I bought water to do a partial water change with yesterday.
The Carbon Monoxide alarm went off last night so I ventilated the house. That was a scary surprise. Need to clean out the fireplace today, also.
Tomorrow is Christmas Eve. Monday is Christmas. No word from Kelly or Toni about getting together after Christmas. I haven't suggested a date or place, either. Mea culpa.
Flynn helped me wash the truck yesterday afternoon. Looks nice. Need to detail the chrome and glass. Way more chrome than I'd have chosen on the truck. Looks a bit flashy for me.
I do enjoy the truck. We never really go anywhere, but I enjoy driving the truck. The Prius was a fun little gadget, but there was something about it that wasn't exactly satisfying. The truck is better. I feel more secure in the truck. I did not feel secure in the Prius.
I think I'll go braid my hair and get my shoes and socks on and be ready to go to Target at eight o'clock. Buy some more plastic bins. No. More. Clutter.
Well, at least stick it all in some plastic bins so it all looks picked up, at least. When I emptied the bookshelf the garage was awash with loose clutter, burying the ping pong table.
I made enough progress yesterday that we were able to PLAY ping pong for the first time in forever! It was fun, too!!!
There is just a bit more loose clutter that really could use a home. I want to buy more plastic bins to hold it all. Keep it all contained and picked up. A stack of plastic bins is easier to look at and manage than a mountain of loose clutter.
Friday, December 22, 2006
Speaker wire
After Diane had left, I set out to secure a modern home entertainment system. My stereo was given away. I wanted something made by Sony with a center audio channel. Found that, dragged it home, set it up.
The wires leading to the rear speakers were a problem, the kids kept tripping on them. I went through one cheaply-made curly wire bridge. Gave up on the whole idea for a while. Found another much heavier wire bridge, a lovely (not) shade of black rubber. Anyway. Bought two spools (requiring two trips, argh) of Radio Shack stranded 18 gauge speaker wire. Finaly got around to DOING it yesterday.
What was the delay about? Once I'd purchased and set up the entertainment center and the big television two years ago, I found that I had to get another receiver from DirecTV to receive local television channels in High Definition, something like that. I was sick of fooling around with it. And the VCR operates on Video 4 input. I couldn't figure it out, really, it was work, not like in the old days when I was single. And childless.
Anyway, I finally got around to it and got it done, and IT WORKS!!! Which I'm happy about. I like having the rear channel sound functioning.
Had to jump up and go stir some turkey breakfast sausage I'm cooking.
Ten to six. Put my hair in a braid and put my shoes and socks on. Shaved and brushed my hair earlier. Put on clean clothes.
Another day. Another Christmas vacation day. Pick up the ribs, see if Target has any more of those plastic bins which appear to hold the key to organization for me, buy water at the market... more bread, stuff like that. Replace the backup bottle of chocolate syrup.
Maybe get around to planting some flowers today. Or even adding soil to the planter boxes I'd rebuilt (since they were splitting). Or trimming the bougainvillea. The inconquerable bougainvillea. Ah! What I really meant to remember to get around to is digging up and amending and possibly planting that little triangular patch of soil just inside the black gate. It's gotten rather ratty and needs attention. I think I'll get around to planting the two surviving shrimp plants and some culphea right there, also. Maybe not the culphea. Might keep that outside of the black gate.
I might as well dig up the two deceased white roses, too. Wait until the good nursery has roses available again and replace them, if possible. I dug them up to have the fountain wired. Too bad. Didn't intend to kill them off.
Clothes for Cassidy
It would be splendid to see so much as one penny from Diane to help with the kids. I have enough unprocessed angry regarding Diane already without having her being a fucking deadbeat on top of it all.
I woke up very early again this morning. Or last night.
I'd like to stop at Target again this morning and buy more of those plastic storage bins if they have any in stock. Contain clutter in those bins. I want to tame the garage. It's depressing having it super messy.
What else? Managed to sleep through the second half of the football game last night, and all of Survivor. I routinely fall asleep on the couch about five minutes after I sit down. I always think the same thought "it feels so good to sit down!" and that's about all there is. Then I wake up about three hours later and get the kids in bed.
Well, let's see. Too early to do anything just yet, already read e-mail and visited my usual web sites and played Inselkampf, that online game that's slow to play -- I'm still developing my resources and infrastructure. In two and a half more hours I'll be ready to upgrade another component.
Go pick up half a ham at Bisher's this morning. And stop at the market and buy water and a few other items. Then stay home.
I haven't heard from Toni or Kelly about getting together after Christmas. Diane and her friend Gail are going to drive the kids to and from Diane's parent's house on Christmas Eve.
We'll be at home Christmas Day. After that we may go and see Kelly and Toni and their kids. Or not. I haven't talked to Toni in a long, long time. Kelly and I will sometimes e-mail one another. I like hearing from her.
What else? That's about all.
It's nice having this time off. Mailed the Christmas cards yesterday, that was the final thing I had to get done, I believe. Felt relieved.
Thursday, December 21, 2006
The Next Day
I'm thinking of heading to Target to buy a couple more of those big plastic bins. These would be to try and tame the garage, which is a big mess right now. I kind of like the idea. The bin idea, not the big mess idea.
Yesterday morning I dragged the kids to Petco to buy more cat food, then we had bagels at the bagel place. Nice not to be rushed.
It's five to eight, I ought to zip down to Target. I also wanted to mail Christmas cards. Which the kids have yet to sign. I'm not sure that Cassidy is awake at this time. Hmm.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Planted the roses at last
The Japanese ferns I'd ordered from Burpee arrived half-dead and didn't improve from there. One of them wintered over but that was that.
Hopefully the shrub roses will do well in their new spots. The shrub roses have pinkish-red flowers. And very sharp and determined fucking thorns.
Very pleased to get those in the ground at last. Blessed each of them with a 4-gallon bucket of Superthrive and some kind of mysterious kelp-derived plant food. Watered out in front with one of those Miracle Grow plant food units.
The two Culpheas I'd planted out in front look a bit anemic. That whole area needs more water in general. From August on it's just too fucking hot to do anything in the garden. From August until... December. At the earliest.
I wish that the house had foot-thick adobe walls in the summer months.
Now it's nearly winter. Glad to have a fire in the fireplace. Nice and warm. One of the cats sleeps on the corner of the electric blanket.
Monday, December 18, 2006
Reorganized the web pages
Found an old (2002) intro Flash file I had, used that for a top later. Cassidy's teacher had one of those chunky classroom world maps on display when I was there for the "holiday feast" and I took a photo of the Southwest US and modified it.
That's about all. Plug in content. No reason to change or tweak things further at this point, if ever. I feel so organized. The garage should be as organized as the web pages. At least I don't have mountains of boxes and bins of stuff to keep things on the web pages or on the computer.
Satisfied that the web pages are cleaned up.
Woke up very early again this morning, about three.
Time to go and do something else now.
Friday, December 15, 2006
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Camera and sunglasses both broken
This month the oven crapped out and had to be repaired, the kids went to the dentist at the end of November and the cost was $475, which was far more than I'd anticipated.
I did order wine and firewood.
Now I need to get my sunglasses fixed. Dr. Lee's office is CLOSED on Tuesdays, is it not..? SHIT. I do not want to set foot outside without sunglasses, no kidding.
The dishwasher was acting up last month, also. And the light. And the oven. I do not want to try and replace the ballast in the overhead light on my own.
Oh well.
Four more days until the kid's Christmas vacation. Flynn was home sick yesterday. I hope that he feels better today.
5:30 and I'm out of web sites to visit and read. Got thrown in "Time Out" on Stern Fan Network, not planning on returning there. Too bad, I was spending a lot of time there.
One bad thing after another. Hang in there.
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Rain last night
Felt better hearing the rain, feel better seeing the clouds this morning. I hope that it's not 80 degrees again today. I get fucking sick of the heat by December. Why doesn't it rain more here..?
Flynn is going to Zack Ross' birthday party today from 11 to 1, so Cassidy and I will run some errands during that time.
Then back home again. One more week of school until Christmas vacation. Two weeks off. Looking forward to that. A break.
Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Had half a cord of eucalyptus delivered last Friday. Three cases of cheap Italian wine were delivered yesterday. I feel wealthy and semi-secure having those things. The firewood is splinterly and super-dry. Burns well. Hardwood, burns hot. Good value. It's also really gorgeous to look at.
Having a supply of firewood is one of the best feelings around. These final few weeks before the winter solstice when it keeps getting darker earlier and earlier do not make me happy nor comfortable. A fire in the fireplace is the ultimate psychic defense. A rainy day without a fire in the fireplace is a missed opportunity.