The three "shrub roses" I had seen at the good nursery in Poway (the small one) in September. Came back for them in October. Tried to decide where to plant them. Finally planted them today. Nearly the solstice.
The Japanese ferns I'd ordered from Burpee arrived half-dead and didn't improve from there. One of them wintered over but that was that.
Hopefully the shrub roses will do well in their new spots. The shrub roses have pinkish-red flowers. And very sharp and determined fucking thorns.
Very pleased to get those in the ground at last. Blessed each of them with a 4-gallon bucket of Superthrive and some kind of mysterious kelp-derived plant food. Watered out in front with one of those Miracle Grow plant food units.
The two Culpheas I'd planted out in front look a bit anemic. That whole area needs more water in general. From August on it's just too fucking hot to do anything in the garden. From August until... December. At the earliest.
I wish that the house had foot-thick adobe walls in the summer months.
Now it's nearly winter. Glad to have a fire in the fireplace. Nice and warm. One of the cats sleeps on the corner of the electric blanket.