I hate daylight savings time -- stupid idea. I still feel groggy. I get up at 4:30 as it is. So this morning I got up at 3:30, except we set the clocks forward, so it's supposedly 4:30. It's like jet lag without traveling. Annoys the fuck out of me.
Got myself up. Even the cats seemed stunned that it was so early. Got myself cleaned up and dressed. The kids were fairly easy to wake up. We went to the good bagel place and sat and had a bagel apiece. Very tasty. Got Cassidy to school. Went to the office supply place with Flynn to get him a tiny pencil sharpener. Driving him to his school he announced that he had to get his gym clothes at home. Arrgh. They've been clean and folded since Friday, Flynn! Why didn't you stick them in your backpack!? Anyway, he collected his gym clothes and I got him to school.
I feel dazed. It's just too early. I hate daylight savings time. Stupid idea.
So here I sit. I was shaking with fear again last night when I tried to go to sleep. I think that's why I'll often fall asleep in my desk chair or on the couch. When I lay down to go to sleep I worry about everything, sometimes to the point where I physically shake. Worry, worry, worry. So many things could go wrong. I ought to be happy that not more has gone wrong so far.
Another day. Another Monday. Stocks are up $50 today. Not bad. Tax preparation appointment next Monday. Hope I have my tax liability covered. I think that $2500 I had in a time account @ Wells Fargo got re-invested for another year. At 3.x%. Grr. What an annoyance. Grr.
Another day. Go check the WF web site and see if I have a message regarding that account.