Monday, May 02, 2005


Three. Putting a few things from the garage in the newly-emptied trash can. Keep the good stuff. There's so much to get rid of. You've gotta stop clutter at the door, just about. I can see why people use that trash can by the mailboxes. Don't even let it in the house.

Cleaned the kid's new game CD, it had gotten a smudge which kept it from working. Used the crank-based disc cleaner and it worked. Hooray. Everyone is happy again.

Emptied the dishwasher again. Filled the dishwasher again. Have a few more dishes to put away. Have a large pile of laundry to put away, I'd put away clothes this morning from a previously existing pile of laundry. I wish I liked putting away laundry as much as I like putting groceries away.

I like the whole grocery shopping things, planning meals or having certain things on hand to make meals out of or to feed the mice with that they'll actually eat. We don't run out of food and they are hopefully getting all the nutrients they need. It wouldn't hurt them to eat more vegetables. Or fruit. OTOH, they're not starving.

I could go weed part of the front garden area. Haven't touched that all year in favor of the lawn project. I wonder if the concrete block wall couldn't be extended further towards the street, at a lower level..? And maybe face it with bricks for show. Finish the front how? Face it with bricks. Incorporate the small steps? End with a low wall and leave space for parking? Or opening car doors?

If we keep the house. If we continue living here.

Make a third bathroom for Cassidy, entered through her room. A girl thing. Make the two rooms/bathrooms equal.

Fan for the attic area above the kid's rooms. Also for the garage, something to relieve the heat that gets stuck in there.

That place in Vista (?) for windows someone on the Community Association Board mentioned and recommended. Get at least Cassidy's windows double-paned/double-glazed against the summer heat.

The living room windows on the front door side, the dining room windows, too. Those are the windows the sun directly hits.

If we keep the house I'd like to look into solar panels. It's certainly sunny enough here to consider doing that.