$0.46... Illustrator 9 Wow! Book -- had another one of these (similarly priced) which had the formula for isometric projection. Had a sheet that listed the formulae for various projections and managed to lose it. Difficult information to replace, it turns out.
Waiting for the Macromedia Studio MX 2004 package to be delivered. That was expensive. So was the graphics tablet and Painter. DO something with them. Now that they're no longer on my wish list DO something with them. Create something. Finish something.
Is there really any point to that any more? I wonder. What the hell, at least the graphics tablet and Painter aren't something I'm pining for. Maybe I'll do something with it. At least play with it. Is that wrong?
The electric guitar(s) didn't hurt me much. They made interesting sounds. If that six-string electric had a vagina I may have married it. But I wasn't playing them and I have no discernible musical talent.
Make small cartoon drawings. They're interesting and unusual. Not everyone does that. Have a little faith in myself.