Been busy lately. Memorial Day weekend came and went. Tried to not have any expectations, so I wasn't terribly disappointed. I was baffled when I presented the kids with banana splits on Monday night and they turned their noses up. Oh well. I enjoyed mine.
Enjoyed pulling weeds from the lawn one inch at a time on Monday morning. Need to mow the lawn again.
I gave Diane my string trimmer recharger since hers had been stolen and ordered a replacement for myself. THEN I realized that I'd given her my battery as well! So when my replacement charger arrived I HAD NO BATTERY. ARRGH. And Diane is hospitalized again. That was frustrating. Par for the course. Shrug it off.
Tried to barbecue some ribs on Sunday and BURNT them. Damn it. That was artless. Those were expensive ribs, too, and besides that I'd obtained some maple chunks to flavor the smoke. Try that again sometime once my alleged budget recovers.
Watched some old science fiction movies over the weekend. The best one was "The Abominable Snowman" which I've only seen a few times. Good dialog and they did the best they could with the cheap sets. Very atmospheric and understated.
Yesterday the kids went back to school. As they did today.
Last night at dinner (I made tacos) Flynn was humming a tune and Cassidy was following him, it was delightful. I was watching the colorful sweet peas in the rich end-of-day light.
This morning I mailed Diane's rent check and delivered two cartons of cigarettes to the mental health facility. I had paid her down payment for her automobile insurance not long ago.
Our vacation to Disneyland is around the corner, excited about that. Looking forward to it being over, though I think it will be fun. Check-in is at three o'clock. We could get there earlier and just leave our backpacks in the Prius. Go to Disneyland and ride some of the rides and things. Make the most of that first day. The second and third days we're there first thing and then head home the morning of the fourth day. After a swim. Check-out time is at eleven o'clock.
It sounds like fun. I don't know that Flynn is going to want to go again after this, he's getting older, and Cassidy hasn't been since she was a speck. We went in 2000, then went to Hawaii in 2002, then had the floors put in during 2003, then Diane lost her mind in 2004. Busy schedule. Once I got some money, the FIRST THING I DID was make these reservations, paid in full, for Disneyland.
I ought to go mow the lawn or do something useful. Like water outside. I like having the garden and lawn looking nice. The lawn could use a trim. I'm tempted to do the job with scissors to get it perfect. I'm pleased with the lawn. There are a couple of brown spots, did I trim it too closely? Have to reseed those when the weather cools down a bit, it's just warming up now. I've had the air conditioner on for part of the day off and on for the past couple of weeks. No real serious heat, just mild discomfort.
Quarter to five, do something for fifteen minutes and then contact Diane and let her know that her cigarettes were delivered. And that I don't have her current patient number. Not that I want it. Ten years with Diane was ample, really. Sad to say that life improved greatly when she was hospitalized initially. Her flipping out in October and leaving can only be seen as a good thing.