Unfortunately Diane called yesterday afternoon to arrange picking the kids up this morning, which she did. Not pleased about that. I was hoping that she was still in the hospital.
DirecTV appeared this morning (EARLY) to install a satellite box in Cassidy's room. Cassidy will be thrilled, I'm sure.
June Gloom continues outside. Cool, at least. But no sun.
Just sitting here. Got home yesterday and just sat here. I love my computer.
I'm glad that the Disneyland trip is over. It was mostly fun. It was a vacation. I think that the kids enjoyed it. I would have liked to have dragged them to see Tom Sawyer's Island but we didn't get around to that. And Cassidy probably would have liked It's A Small World, but Flynn and I both hate that ride. Really hate that ride.
It's just about one o'clock and I haven't done much. Laundry and dishes and the usual stuff. Mostly I'm just sitting here. I love sitting here on the computer.
I ought to re-join Frog's. Walk on the treadmill or swim daily. I am WAY TOO FUCKING FAT. I look bloated in photographs. The year we went to Hawaii I lost sixty pounds... then eventually regained them. I just lost interest in exercising, it didn't seem to matter.
I would like to last long enough to get the kids on their merry little ways in life. I've just gotta lose weight, seriously. Sigh. That sounds dead boring. It really does.
What else? Nothing else. It's very nice to be at home where it's QUIET. Drank some coffee over the past five hours. Ate a sandwich.
I don't want to go out. I don't like going out on Saturdays, too crowded.
Slept like a rock last night. The previous two nights sleeping next to Cassidy were not exactly restful.
Glad to have a weekend to recover after the mini-vacation.