Friday, June 10, 2005

And I am indeed happy to be back home again. Where it's quiet and there's space. Horrible full-stop traffic on the way home on the 5 at eleven o'clock on a Friday. There are too many people in California. New home developments ought to be burnt to the ground by angry residents. No one has money to build their own home. No new building until roads are quadrupled. Pave the whole fucking state or put a gate at the entrances. And I never want to see another stroller. Or wheelchair or fat person vehicle (FPV).

Or another misshapen Disneyland employee, half-witted and a neon testament to the decline in the gene pool and of society in general since about 1965, which I've decided was the high point of western civilization (tm). I remember Disneyland employees as being clean-cut and smart. These were misshapen and clueless, shirkers. The plants were not particularly well-kept. There was trash here and there. I picked up and threw out a couple pieces of trash along the way.

There was a disconnect between the Travel Office and the Hotel. Minor but annoying, particularly given how long ago the reservations had been made. The room was not impressive. Cassidy didn't like the water slide (what the FUCK?) and stupidly chose to say "help" when she hit the water, being pounced on by a lifeguard .5 seconds later (I was right there). She can swim when she wants to, but will always try and tiptoe. The pool is four feet deep. She tried a swim test and tiptoed three times. Not impressive. Really not impressive. Disappointed me. I will not forgive you, if you will not take the chance...

Ate at the Rainforest Cafe, which was good. Had some excellent soup and half a chicken "wrap" which was a little heavy. Had a couple of drinks @ The Lost Bar which was a highlight of the trip for me. It was nice and quiet and the bartender was funny and friendly. The next night I was by there earlier and there was an overamplified guitarist and no free space @ the outside bar. Sat on a planter some distance away and drank one drink. Took the other upstairs.

The kids seemed to enjoy themselves, particularly pushing the elevator buttons, which was a constant source of squabbling. And therefore delight.

The crowds got to me. People amble along like brainless cattle. Stop for no reason in the middle of a busy path. It reminded me of riding my bicycle on the boardwalk. By August I wanted to weld steak knives onto the handlebars to get through people who'd lope along at about .2 mph. "Can I get through here?" "Excuse me" "Are you fucking brain dead?" "What a great place to stop." "What the fuck are you thinking?" The crowds got to me. And then the parking lot drive home. Arrrrgh. Wasn't AIDS supposed to have cleansed the population by now?

It's nice to be home again. It's nice to be sitting still and it's nice that it's QUIET. The noise level throughout the trip was uncomfortable. I was glad to pack up this morning and head home. It's nice to be at home again. It was a fun trip but I'm glad that it's over.

There was a Japanese television channel that was fascinating to watch. NNK or NHK. On the trip to Hawaii there was a Hawaiian station that broadcast Japanese programming. Couldn't take my eyes off of it. Amazing visuals. My favorite was a program about everyday people's "sundries," or little knick knacks they collect, they'd meet someone on the street and follow them home and see their collections.

It's only 1:30. Seems later. Cloudy today, advanced June Gloom. God, I'm glad to not be at Disneyland any more. That thought just shot through.