Made pancakes, washed the Prius, watered the lawn and front garden, took a shower, washed the inside of the windshield and the rear hatch... did two loads of dishes and I'm doing a load of laundry...
Tired. Busy morning. All the keyboarding and copying files has tweaked my left wrist again. If I had a wrist brace, I'd be wearing it.
Dodger game comes on in twenty minutes... might watch that and take a nap.
Probably going to make grilled chicken for dinner. Maybe I'll make some chicken tacos instead. Or maybe both. Start pizza dough to have for dinner tomorrow.
Really surprisingly tired. Glad to not have anything to do this afternoon. Bathe the mice later on. And I have a mountain of laundry to put away. Why do I let the laundry pile up at the put-it-away stage? Must be something about putting laundry away that I dislike.
Did a partial water change on both tanks last night. Rearranged the plants and rocks again. I really like the arrangement in the small tank. The arrangement in the large tank is ok but ugly. I'd like to be able to make a partial dinosaur skeleton out of clay and get it fired and glazed and fired again to use as tank decorations -- like there was a huge dinosaur skeleton partially buried in the tank, just a section of ribs and maybe an eye socket on the skull visible, like those clever alligator stepping stones that were around a while ago in catalogs, one was the head, then a back section as if it was swimming under your lawn. Very clever. I love things like that.
Tired. I ought to go put the laundry away, however.
That's what I ought to do...