Took the kids to the pool last night, which was fun. Yesterday afternoon we went bowling. Haven't done that for quite a while. It's a fun kid activity.
Grilled some scallops last night with a nice tomato from the plants and some basil. The basil I tried to grow from seed didn't take off but the basil plant I bought from Home Depot is doing nicely. Made some scrambled eggs this morning with basil and another fresh tomato. I just love growing tomatoes and herbs I can use that are as fresh as they can be. Too bad we don't have room to grow corn. I ought to build another planter box or three. I love the planter box I built last fall. I like opening the back door and seeing flowers. Very nice. Very satisfying.
The first of the birdbaths arrived yesterday. Looks nice. The birds haven't gotten near it yet, but I like the way it looks.
I ought to get busy and label the file folders. Make that more useful. I could also wrap some Christmas gifts! Christmas cards arrived yesterday. I could address those now. Get Christmas attended to WAY, WAY ahead of time.
Cleaned the floors yesterday. Everything is very clean. Delightful. The cleaner things are, the better I like them.