Labeled and semi-organized most of the files in the filing drawer. An accomplishment. Things are actually pretty much organized.
Made a backup today using one of the two backup drives. Edited a whole bunch of stuff earlier, all the text files, half the graphic files. Threw all the image files into iPhoto. Have a big folder of individual text files exported from StickyBrain, which was dead slow lately, a real stone. Using the Spotlight feature in OSX is faster.
Repotted the houseplants yesterday, got around to attacking the filing today. Impressive. Finally getting something done on wallpaper-type get-around-to-its. Go through the tool chest tomorrow and put photos aside, keep them in a box or album or something. Tired of scanning photographs into the computer. I have enough photographs. Unless they're really fucking something then I don't want to scan them in. I still have about five sketchbooks full of weird little bits and pieces to scan in someday. Or not.
It felt great to get rid of the videotapes and Dead cassettes earlier this year. You just don't need all that stuff weighing you down all the time, maybe you're never going to get around to it. So get rid of it.
Go through the tool chest and find manuals for stuff, file those. Set photos aside. Throw out clutter. It feels good to get rid of things and to get organized.
Didn't get much else done today. Grilled some chicken, which turned out very nicely. Chicken and rice and carrots and broccoli for dinner. Made fudgesicle ice cream.
Glad to have made a backup of the semi-groomed data. I feel somewhat organized. Glad to delete a bunch of old things. I'll be glad to get rid of more things.
Need to wrap Cassidy's birthday gifts. And arrange a cake and candles and cards for her.
It actually cooled off a bit this evening, I have the door and windows open. Very nice. I don't like the heat. And it hasn't been super-hot here yet.
So enjoy the cool evening while it lasts.
No word at all from Diane. No clue what she's up to now. Looking at some of the text files I deleted today I was surprised at how long ago I was unhappy with Diane. Long ten years.
Now I am raising the kids on my own. This is somewhat more than I bit off but so far, so good.
Go through tool chest tomorrow. Find anything and everything that important and file it. Set photos aside. Get the tool chest organized. It's the last bastion of clutter. Aside from a pile of clutter in the garage. And perhaps the kitchen junk drawer.
I would like to find time to go through all the holiday decorations and get them organized well ahead of time. And address the Christmas cards. And wrap the Christmas gifts. Get as many of the holiday chores done as far ahead of time as possible. Get the Christmas lights out and untangled and tested to put up the day after Thanksgiving. Make Christmas cookies ahead of time. Bake cinnamon swirl bread to freeze.
I'd like to find the granola bar recipe from Good Eats and make those for the kids for snacks.
It's quarter past nine. If I want to watch a movie, I should pick one out and go and watch it before I fall asleep again...