Joined The WELL, located a virulent Zionist who mined my blog for the most hurtful thing they could find in short order. Pissed me off. Didn't surprise, me, however. I$rael has a bizarre hold in US foreign policy, and even questioning why that is can just about get you lynched. Much less wondering about the allegiance of government workers. I$rael is a foreign country. But it seems to RUN this country. Asking why is like walking around with two golf clubs held over your head in a lightning storm.
Very unhappy that a discussion group turned into a personal attack. Oddly enough, the kind of underhanded attack Jews have a reputation for throughout history. The Khazars appear to have invented public relations. Enough of that.
Buried my blog, linked the former URL to Mossad's website.
Got today off to a bad start. Makes me want to pursue the matter. Why does I$rael have so much influence in the US? How is that possible?
The attack on me was to prevent discussion. To eliminate even thinking about what's going on. "The Jew cries out as he strikes you." Really pisses me off.