The water's back on and now the electricity is back on, too. I'd forgotten there's a second circuit breaker box on the other side of the garage.
Haven't seen Diane in two weeks. Saturday before last she said that she was coming down with a cold. And she decided against seeing the kids that weekend. Called her yesterday. No word back.
Supposed to go to court this Friday. Asked Mrs. Gordon to take the kids to school since I need to be there at eight o'clock.
Bought a piece of bull-nosed melamine at Home Depot this morning and put it on the laundry room wall between the two cabinets. Looks good. Put the cookbooks on it. They'd been on top of the refrigerator. In back of them were the ice cream glasses and the banana split glasses, all of which met the floor yesterday around this time and had to be cleaned up. Quite pleased with the new shelf.