Earlier this morning, really a good rain. Stopped now. Maybe more later. I love rain. It can't rain enough.
Sorting out bills, trying to slay that last pile of clutter I ended up with. I'm as close to being organized as I've ever been. I just don't need all this stuff all over the place. Just get rid of things. A little bit at a time, get more and more organized, keep throwing stuff out that I don't need. It will be nice to have more space than I have clutter.
I need to attack the plastic filing cabinet that the air cleaner sits on. It's full and I have a big pile of stuff that needs to be filed. So go through the files and edit them down.
I intend to take Cassidy and buy some chicken at Bisher's (the good butcher shop that opened up in Poway two years ago this September) and to buy some flat-leaf parsley and some fruit at Plough Boys. I ran across some coupons for $5 off at Albertson's if I spent $50 or more -- wouldn't I save more not buying anything at Albertson's?
Time to sift through more clutter until it's time to go. Another fifteen minutes.