When I was stacking firewood on Saturday I heard water running inside the house or under the house. Called Plumbing Plus and they sent out Randy the plumber. He reported that there's a lake under the house and that the lake has to go before he can get at the problem.
We need to keep the water off as much as possible until a restoration company begins to dry out the lake under the house and the water will need to be off for an extended period in order for the lake to be removed to the point where Randy can make the plumbing repairs. That ought to be interesting.
Explain what is happening to the kids. I don't want to go stay in a hotel. I'd rather stay here without running water.
Waiting for a call back from our claims adjuster or a company War and Cor used to work on their house called On The Level. Too bad this wasn't a problem that could be fixed quickly.
Marc Shular called and reminded me of the court appointment on the 21st. I was thinking about the plumbing problems at the time. So I was a bit distracted.
Heavy rain this morning on the way to school. Lots of rain. Not heavy, maybe, but there was a lot of it, a good rain. Now it's windy and it's stopped raining. It's supposed to be sunny again tomorrow. I'd just as soon that it continued to rain. Indefinitely.
Kind of upset about the plumbing thing, specifically about not having the water on and how the kids will deal with that. We can eat out so that we don't have to do dishes or clean cooking items. Keep the water turned off. Dishwasher is still running. Shut the water off once the dishwasher is done. Then I think I'll cut that hedge back by Cassidy's window so that it's easy to get at the water shutoff.
"And that's what's happening" and that's the end of the Howard Stern show again today. 10:25. Go get Cassidy in a little while.
Depressed when I think about Diane. What is she doing now? I keep getting bounce notices for her from her bank. An envelope arrived from her psychiatrist. Odd that she didn't give them her address. Bizarre that she's been as out of touch as she has been.
I feel badly about excluding her after her overdose, but enough was enough, to be blunt. She had to be a smartass and manage her own medication. And she fucked that up. And off she spun into never-never land. By way of the emergency room. I really should have been writing all this stuff down all year long in order to keep it straight in my memory now. That night she was delusional, the next morning she was acting really weird and just about jumped out of the car for her Partial Hospitalization Program as I drove her to Aurora Behavioral yet again. Then Dr. Diamond had suggested that I may want to write a letter stating that I had not "cut her clothes" in order to cover my own behind. Which I did. Writing that letter (where is that letter?) was the hinge the year turned on, things were clear to me after writing it and I've proceeded in a straight line from that point.
The thing about Diane's illness that baffles me is that, if she knew that she may someday become sick again, why did she act like such a little shit all those years? Being a curmudgeon is one thing, but being a jerk is another entirely. Put down some roots. Be part of the family. But no, we have to remain the visiting aunt from out of state who does things on her own... something or other like that. Be with the kids. Really be with them, kids know bullshit. Be here now. Be with us.
At least before she was in the house with us. Now, who knows? Nobody knows where you are / how near or how far...