Interrupted the kid's squabbling to drag them to the doughnut shop. Sick of Flynn's eternal petulance and Cassidy's endless whining. Glad they're at school. Flynn is having a friend over later. Expect the kids to squabble over that. They'll squabble over fucking ANYTHING. I sometimes tell them they remind me of two dogs who are let out into an empty yard in the morning and thrown a piece of rope and they spend the entire day fighting over that piece of rope.
If we'd had Cassidy first there's no way we'd have had Flynn. We'd have figured that every baby would be as much trouble as Cassidy. Flynn was a very easygoing baby until Cassidy was born. He's resented her since she was able to walk and run after him. He's really been a sourpuss since that time. Self-pitying and unpleasant. Cassidy loves Flynn but has developed a real spoiled-brat whiny attitude. Her toothbrush wasn't wet his morning, so she didn't brush her teeth. Lovely. Wonderful.
I ought to clean up their rooms today. Cassidy somehow managed to spread toys ALL over her room again and I intend to toss them out. Fuck 'em. Sick of picking toys up. No toys = no mess. No problem. Flynn has a bunch of crap in his room which he never picks up nor organizes. Get rid of it. We don't need a larger house, we need less stuff.
Not in a particularly happy mood this morning. And it stopped raining. Fuck. I hate when it stops raining. One of my absolute least favorite things. Forty days? Not nearly enough.