Diane showed up three hours late yesterday to collect the kids. I left at 5:30 to collect them at 6:00. They had a good day with Diane yesterday.
Hopefully the witch's brew of psychiatric meds she's taking will kill her off sooner than later. Fuck Diane. Unfuck Diane, more to the point.
Baked a couple Cornish game hens this morning. Just stuck some ribs in the oven.
Light mist outside. Very nice. Too bad it's not pissing down rain.
See if I can't build a fire to enjoy. The Super Bowl comes on about 3:30. Hope it's a good game. Hard to believe that the football season is over already. I feel like I missed more than half of it with Diane's 31 flavors of insanity. Depression. Yeah, right. I don't call being an asshole for 10+ years of marriage depression. I wonder if any of the pills she's taking comes with the instruction "try not to be such a jerk"?
Quarter to two now. Dug out some old items from CDs (like the ribs.html file) and added some of them to this blog. Too bad I can't set the date on posts back further than 1999.
I am soooo glad Diane is gone. It's too bad the kids see her on Saturdays. It's too bad she's still alive.