Rained off and on yesterday. Mostly off. Rained hard at night a couple of times. Erratic rain. The computer weather says "heavy thunderstorms" for tomorrow. Wait and see about that. I think they're just guessing half the time. Maybe more.
I guess I'll work on picking the house up today. I don't have a lot in mind. The kids have this coming week off from school. Grandma and Grandpa took them out to breakfast yesterday morning. They both pigged out. Diane called Friday night, she sounded really sedated and out of it.
Certainly a surprise to have Diane's wheels fall off. Don't know what to think about that. Glad she's gone. Been a long twelve months. When she got that dog I didn't think our marriage was long for this world. Surprised by the way it's played out so far.
It's about quarter to eight. Maybe I'll make some biscuits and eggs for breakfast. Or something. Don't really feel like doing anything today. Too wet to garden. No football on television. It would be nice to get the house cleaned up, especially the kid's rooms. Get their clothing put away.