Nice day out, kind of warm. Finished filling the planter boxes with soil. Spread more amendment on the pointy little triangular area by the black gate, I want to plant flower seeds there.
Need to go pick Cassidy up in about ten minutes.
Moved the bookcase/rack in Flynn's room into his closet. I need to get rid of some of his clothes and toys. Just keep the stuff you need. Get rid of the rest.
Go get Cassidy. Get Flynn later. The kids have dental appointments at 2:40 this afternoon, then Cassidy is due at her soccer practice at four o'clock at Chapparal Elementary School. Printed out directions on how to get there. Kind of want to wait and see what kind of shoes/shinguards are called for by her coach. At the same time, I'd like to get those things ahead of time. Maybe I'll check the RBYSA web site and see if there's any information there.
Got the kids up early this morning and they both got baths. Made pancakes for their breakfast. Flynn was going to the Birch Aquarium with his class. Gave him some cash and a disposable camera.
He's still dragging his feet on his "Age of Exploration" report. Drives me nuts. Just sit down and DO IT, would you? What is the point of putting off the assignment??? Arrrrgh.
That's about all the news.