Can't do anything, really. Head hurts. Poured out the rest of the strawberry (?) soda that I bought thinking it was tamarindo. Hopefully the toast will help. Get rid of the headache. I take good health for granted. Nothing is more important.
Picked up the bedroom last night. Felt better to have things put away.
Wonder if I shouldn't get rid of everything -- what's the point, anyway? All that matters is money. Television is meaningless sludge, no content worth watching aside from football. Baseball is a means to kill time until you get to football season.
Flynn slept in late this morning. Neither of the kids ever seems inclined to go anywhere or do anything, which frustrates me.
The sun is out. The soil is still heavy from the rain. I wonder if we could drive to Lake Hodges and see the dam? I saw on the news that it's overflowing, looked very impressive. Something to do. Drag the mice out miniature golfing or something like that. But, God, not with a headache.
Flynn has a saxophone lesson scheduled for three o'clock. Drag the mice out to that, I suppose.
Too many videotapes, too many cassettes, wherever I stuck them. I have too much stuff. It just doesn't matter. The kids seem happy and healthy. But the stuff I once felt was important doesn't seem to matter any more.
I weigh too much. Living with Diane all those glorious years resulted in my gaining weight. Lost sixty pounds in 2002. By the time I got to Memorial Day it didn't seem important -- who cared? Fuck it. Drink more beer.
How much longer to go? Until Cassidy is 18? Kids are basket cases until they're at least 30. So how much longer is that? Another twenty-four years. I'd be nearly seventy. Jesus, that seems like a long ways to go.
The soil will dry out. Replace the lawn. Keep the house clean. Take care of the kids. That is all there is, so do a good job of it. I can have a few dozen old science fiction movies to watch. They don't take up that much space and the kids seem to get a kick out of them.
I have got to get the kids out of the house to let off some steam. Drag them somewhere or other. I wish we had a large hamster-style exercise wheel in the house they could run on. Something like that.