Six ice cubes. Some Jarritos limon soda pop. A good splash of Rose's lime. A small amount of vodka. Shave some lime zest on top. Add lime juice.
Nice rainy day. Fire in the fireplace since we returned from the market. Dour little mice surviving a forced march.
Watched MTV "Cribs." That show entertains me. I love the giant kitchens that no one cooks in. What would I do with a huge house? God, not what those people all do. Fascinating show. If you were going to have three cars, which three would they be? Uh, old VW bus... Toyota Prius...
Frogs. LOUD ones. Mataguay-loud frogs. On both sides of the house. Never heard anything like it before here. This year we've also had huge Africanized dandelions, giant ones. Huge, burly dandelions. Knock you over if you look at them wrong.
Ground must be wet. Plant when it dries out a bit. The morning glories and moonflowers and some sweet peas. Also plant various flower seeds near the black gate. Make better use of that space.
Watching "American Idol." Kids are playing together. They actually do play well together most of the time. Some of the time.
Long day today. The shopping trip this morning sucked.
Light rain outside. Hope it rains again hard later. Or soon. Or both. I love rain.
Moved the three "French Rose" tomatoes under some lights today. I've always meant to be organized enough to start tomatoes from seed and grow them inside before setting them out in April or May. I noticed an old "Carmello" tomato had also germinated. Wait and see if it grows more. The "French Rose" tomatoes are nearly at the top of the plastic lid on the seed starter tray. Three Reseda seeds had also germinated. I haven't smelled Reseda in years, looking forward to smelling that in the summer. Really a unique, unforgettable fragrance.