Saturday, March 20, 1999


Took Flynn to Carly's 7th birthday party today. Diane stayed home with the baby. Diane's been unpleasant for some time now.

Didn't ask Bob if he'd be seeing Keith. A thousand dollars of ditchweed is far too much. Maybe ask Mike if he knows where to look.

What else? Nothing. No alcohol. No dope. Unpleasant shrew of a wife. Life is great. Just great.

Nice to be away from Diane today. Had fun with Flynn. Had fun seeing Kelly and Bob. Tomorrow I go back to work yet again.

Removed the rear bumper light, that was causing the aux battery to drain. Too bad.

What else? Nothing else. I wish there was something else. Like some dope. Maybe grow some more. Where? In the '65 in the garage? Maybe. That's months away from being available. Long dry spell.

No money for dope, really. Very unhappy with the two last crappy quarter pounds. That's a lot of bad dope. It really is. Severe disappointment.

What else? Nothing else. At all. Nothing else. Go back to sleep. Get up at 4 in the morning. Do it all over again.

Camping next weekend. An adventure. Hope that goes well.


The endless nightmare of married life continues. I think I'd rather be dead. Which is why I've become so fucking fat. Might as well end it in a socially acceptable way.

Changed three out of four spark plugs this morning, didn't have a fourth new plug. Hope that helps.

Planning a camping trip next weekend plus Friday to Little Blair Valley, 78 to S-2 with Randy. Hope that works out well.

Have the fuse for the voltmeter that I'd wired the reverse light switch into out. See if that solves the draining battery problem. I imagine that I wired the light wrong and it's been draining the battery.

Eating some taquitos now.

Maybe go remove the wire to the reverse light so that the voltmeter will still work.

Out of dope for a week now. Out of dope worth its name since July. Haven't been high since July. Maybe longer. Was the dope I had before that any good?

Have about a hundred dollars on hand. Owe Toni $39 or so for the Girl Scout Cookies I ordered. Damn. Low on money.

Also ordered things from eBay, kind of a waste of money. Last pay period I bought some new clothes. Before that the trouble with the lights left on/new batteries/tow/repair because I didn't see a cap on the negative battery post. Waste of money.

Having no dope makes living with Diane just about impossible. She's a slug. However, at the moment, she's doing one of her manic cleanings of the kitchen. She's insane. That is the proverbial gospel truth. She is not in her right mind. Why did I marry her? Wanted kids.

I like Flynn and the bug. Diane is no fun to live with, she never has anything to say, is slovenly and lazy and has never been particularly feminine. But here I am. And here I am getting fatter and fatter and being pretty much enthused about a fatal heart attack. And door to get out of here.

Moved to OB several years ago, missed Flynn too much to stay there.

Obviously relying on Diane for birth control was a bad idea. But totally in keeping with the rest of our nightmare marriage. She doesn't get ANYTHING. She is just a clueless person. It's like living with Oscar Klugman from The Odd Couple, it really is.

Sure miss having dope.

Tuesday, March 09, 1999


Lots of work to do. Heard from Randy this morning, he's planning a trip to Baja next spring. Feel excited for him. I'd love to take another Baja trip.

I've actually felt happy and excited all morning just thinking about it. What an adventure that was. Especially considering I spend my life sitting in this half-cubicle or sitting in traffic driving back and forth from home to work and from work to home. Wahoo.

Feel somewhat domesticated, Diane paid some attention to me last night. I was up on time again this morning, got Flynn out of bed, got him ready to go, et cetera, et cetera. Taking care of my little family unit. I actually didn't feel guilty or reserved at all about enjoying the attention. When you've earned the reward, don't be bashful about picking up your chips.

The local service bureau set up an FTP site at long last, that ought to make life easier.

Monday, March 08, 1999


Busy enough at work. Squabbling with Diane. That would be my spouse. Marriage makes possible a degree of unhappiness only dreamt of while single.

Of course, the possibility of simply having made a terrible choice as far as a partner goes comes to my mind. I wanted a breeding partner. That is all I got.

So I can't say as I'm terribly happy today. I feel like I'm an indentured servant of some kind, I'm there to do chores and be with the kids, while I'm also prohibited from dating or even sportfucking. Not a good arrangement.