Wednesday, July 09, 2003

I guess when I deleted my old web site I managed to delete the previous entries about Dyanne's death. Well. That was a loss. Writing at the time helped.


Wow, no, the old posts are still there. Gotta copy those and back them up. Some things are worth keeping. "This is meaningful."

* * *

No, some older items are missing. A few initial posts. Too bad.

Try and make a web page that reflects pretty much everything. Some central location for important things.

The kids and Diane and the dog are running around outside. I'm tired. Walked on the treadmill this morning, swam with the kids after their swim lessons, went to the pool again in the afternoon and swam more.

Have to exercise again and eat healthy food. I went to the doctor for some weird skin on my foot and they wanted to talk about blood pressure and lab tests.