Friday, February 24, 2006

Friday, another sunny day. The kids had this week off.

Richard Darr delivered $200 worth of firewood, Flynn and I stacked that. Got that all cleaned up. Bribed the kids with lunch at McDonald's if they'd go to the good local nursery in Poway so I could buy some amendment.

I want to overseed the lawn, I've had the seed for a long time, but wanted to put down Kellogg's Topper with it. And water it like crazy. 

There are a couple of patches in the lawn that could be softer and more level, too.

The other day I planted the new lemon tree after transplanting the old dwarf lemon tree.

It's been warm, as warm as spring, so why not work in the garden?

Left a message for Laddie Blazek about properly wiring the fountain. Is the fountain level? I may end up re-leveling it.

Time to go back outside. Work until I'm thoroughly exhausted. I ought to clean the barbecue, too, I was going to grill some hot dogs for dinner tonight.

Good day to be alive.