Thursday, May 04, 2006


10 Two-gallon "Perfect Pots" 49.50
2 42"x8"x4" American Ag trays 39.90
2 1/2" fill/drain fittings 5.90
10 ft of 1/2 tubing 5.00
1 21-liter bag of Higromite
3 .4 cubic ft bags of Vermiculite 11.85
3 .4 cubic ft bags of Perlite 11.85
1 qt Fox Farm Grow Big
1 qt Fox Farm Big Bloom
1 qt Maxicrop Liquified Seaweed

$219.80. Ouch. Much more than I'd intended to spend. The trays are what I was searching for. The "Perfect Pots" ought to fit into them. I can suspend the big trays on something and then just pour the nutrient through several times a day.

The eighteen seeds I planted (three different kinds of tomatoes) have almost ALL germinated. Four each of two varieties and three of the third variety. 

I intend to grow the tomatoes on the cement side of the house, attached to the fence. I'd tried large containers and soil one year, which didn't work out well at all.

I think this will work. I think that I'll enjoy it.

Too much money. Spent over $100 on two pairs of Under Armour shorts and underwear today. And a new pair of giant swim trunks. And a tie-dye t-shirt. Nice lime green color.

Looking forward to the tomato project. I hope that things work out as I've envisioned them. I'm hoping that two gallons per plant is enough for a root system. It won't need to support the plant, but I want enough room for the root ball to develop.