Sunday, August 07, 2005

Sunday morning

Awake again. Kids don't want to do anything or go anywhere. It's getting too late to go for a walk without significant heat.

What is there to do today? Stay inside again. Clean more. Something like that.

I guess there's not much going on. An understatement.

I'd like to go somewhere and do something. Staying at home all the time is boring. Go check the tire pressure on the Prius. Run a sprinkler on the lawn. Dig out the Christmas decorations and untangle the Christmas lights.

Trying to eat not very much and drink even less. Made some salmon last night which the kids turned their noses up at. I've had worse food at decent restaurants. They'd like to subsist off of chicken nuggets and cheeseburgers.

I've gotta lose some weight. So that means living on rabbit food. And maybe one medicinal glass of wine a day. Hoo boy, that sounds like a party. At least ice water doesn't have much in the way of calories.

Go through the filing drawer. Iron that out. Get things put away. Scan in old photos and sketchbooks, get rid of that clutter one piece at a time.

The Dodgers play in an hour, 1:30 on the east coast, 10:30 here.

Ten years since Jerry Garcia died coming up this Tuesday. That was bad news. Moved to this suburban inferno without a job and Jerry Garcia died a couple of weeks after hitting the beach, here. Not good. Isolation and child rearing. Work, work, work. No wonder I learned to drink after we moved to San Diego. Not much left to do.

That's true of a lot of life @ this stage, not much left to do. Tie up the loose ends. Launch the mice off on their own voyages. Enjoy the embers, wait to die. Feed the birds in the backyard. Wait for the morning glory and the moonflower vines to make it to the top of the fence. They're growing quickly.

Throw out more stuff. More clutter. I just don't need it. Just get rid of it. It feels good to get rid of things that I don't need and don't use. Clean up my mess prior to death so that no one has to go through my clutter and get rid of things.

I found a Dashboard application that lets me see sixteen webcams at once, and while I was finding sixteen webcams I wanted to see I found one of the Newport pier. I really like looking at it.