Sunday, February 23, 2003

Tried calling Frizzy's number, guessing that what was once 714 is now 949. 675-***3, right? It rang and rang. It's still an active number, at least. It hasn't been a year since the date of the notice I saw.

I'm still confused. Cassidy went for a bicycle ride at the park, I was looking for something in the garage when we got back and we were pulling out drawers in the tool chest together, and she saw a letter from Frizzy and asked what it was. It's a letter from a friend of mine.

Should I call her father's car dealership..? I am curious and concerned. Try her number again later..? And feel foolish when/if she answers..?

Went on a bicycle ride with Cassidy to the park. Dug out her bicycle, put air in the tires, cleaned it up, fit Flynn's old helmet to her head as best I could. She seemed to enjoy herself. I was waiting at the bottom of the hill when Cassidy apparently took her feet off the brakes and FLEW down the sidewalk and off the curb (Diane, who was walking behind her, was typically asleep at the wheel). So I grabbed Cassidy as she flew past me in mid-air. That could have been unpleasant. Glad I was standing right there.

Once when Flynn was small I had Kelly and Bob's old climbing structure in the house, and Flynn pitched himself off the very top of it and I caught him in mid-air by one ankle. Another time Flynn was riding his bicycle and tipped over and his head was heading straight for the cement curb and I caught his head in one hand. Nice timing again.

Dyanne Sheryl Jew. How many women could there be with those three names..? Is Frizzy dead? How did she die? This is one of the strangest things ever.