Wednesday, July 20, 2005


I was grilling some scallops last night and Flynn brought me the phone and said "It's an ex-roommate of yours" and it was Ms. Cou! Amazing! She is living in Hawaii with Pete. Wow, does that take me back. Sent her a couple of e-mails. Today is her birthday. She's FIFTY-TWO!!! I always think of her as being twenty-four years old. How did so much time go by? Amazing.

Took the kids to the pool last night, which was fun. Yesterday afternoon we went bowling. Haven't done that for quite a while. It's a fun kid activity.

Grilled some scallops last night with a nice tomato from the plants and some basil. The basil I tried to grow from seed didn't take off but the basil plant I bought from Home Depot is doing nicely. Made some scrambled eggs this morning with basil and another fresh tomato. I just love growing tomatoes and herbs I can use that are as fresh as they can be. Too bad we don't have room to grow corn. I ought to build another planter box or three. I love the planter box I built last fall. I like opening the back door and seeing flowers. Very nice. Very satisfying.

The first of the birdbaths arrived yesterday. Looks nice. The birds haven't gotten near it yet, but I like the way it looks.

I ought to get busy and label the file folders. Make that more useful. I could also wrap some Christmas gifts! Christmas cards arrived yesterday. I could address those now. Get Christmas attended to WAY, WAY ahead of time.

Cleaned the floors yesterday. Everything is very clean. Delightful. The cleaner things are, the better I like them.