Monday, March 13, 2006

Monday. Slightly cloudy.

Got the security system installed this morning. Glad that's over, glad to be back home again.

Planted another half-dozen impatiens near the fence after amending another portion of the soil.

Sent Flynn off with his paperwork and a check for sixth-grade camp.

Nine disposable cameras arrived on Saturday. Maybe Friday. For his trip. Four underwater cameras, four flash cameras, one black and white camera. I hope that he enjoys the trip. 

Rain on Saturday, very nice, what there was of it. Sunday was sunny. Diane needed a ride over here and back. Sunday was not satisfying. Saturday was so-so, even with the rain. 

Couple periods of hard rain and some hail. Had a fire going most of the day on Saturday.

A rainy day ought to be rain all day long. Lots of it.

Made some chicken picatta last night and some really chocolate-ly ice cream.

Bored. Go get Cassidy soon.